KTJ offers a generous and competitive scholarship scheme which is open to both Malaysian and international students.

Candidates can be new or existing students at KTJ, and scholarships are provided at the discretion of the Principal. Learn about the Scholarships available at KTJ below. 

Expressive Arts Scholarship

Our Expressive Arts faculty brings together all areas in the arts including Art, Design Technology, Dance, Drama, and Music. We are passionate about the amazing opportunities these subject areas can bring to our young learners and want to encourage talent and enthusiasm in creativity. As part of this ambition, we are offering four Expressive Arts Scholarships for those with a desire to develop as creative artists in our beautiful setting. Applications for our Expressive Arts Scholarships are open from 1st January and close on 1st April

Learn more

Golf and Squash Scholarships

We offer scholarships to students with outstanding potential in Golf or Squash. Our Golf and Squash Scholarships are typically only offered to Secondary students, but the School will consider awarding scholarships to students with an outstanding record in one of these sports who have applied for entry to the Primary School. Applications are open throughout the year. 

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Sixth Form Academic Scholarship 

KTJ's Sixth Form Academic Scholarship recognises and rewards students who demonstrate outstanding academic ability and/or potential. Sixth Form Academic Scholars are expected to maintain high academic standards throughout their time at KTJ, take on roles of responsibility, and participate in and lead relevant co-curricular activities and super-curriculum enrichment events. Applications for our Sixth Form Academic Scholarship open on 1st November and close on 1st March. 

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Making an application

Successful candidates will typically receive between 10% and 75% discount on tuition fees. If your child is not a current student at KTJ, please submit an application by clicking the button below:

Submit an Application

If your child is an existing student at KTJ, please contact the Registrar Team to request a Scholarship Application Form. 

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KTJ Sixth Form
Sixth Form Academic Scholarship

KTJ's Sixth Form Academic Scholarship recognises and rewards students who demonstrate outstanding academic ability and/or potential. We offer a number of scholarships for entry into our Sixth Form in August. Applications are invited from both internal and external candidates, as well as Malaysian and international students. 

Awards typically range from 10% to 75% reduction on tuition fees. Scholarship recipients will be required to cover the cost of boarding fees

For an application to be considered, the candidate must have: 

  • forecast/ actual grades at IGCSE, SPM or the equivalent of A or above in main subjects*
  • excellent reports/ references from the current school.

Where possible, shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend our Scholarship Day, where they will participate in a group activity and attend an interview with two members of the senior leadership team. Successful candidates will be announced at the end of March. 

Sixth Form Academic Scholars are expected to maintain high academic standards throughout their time at KTJ, take on roles of responsibility, and participate in and lead relevant co-curricular activities and super-curriculum enrichment events. 

We accept applications between 1st November and 1st March for the August enrolment. All required documents must be completed and submitted before the deadline. Applications cannot be considered from students who have already commenced their Sixth Form studies at KTJ. We are currently not accepting students for the January enrollment, due to the high volume of applications. 

*Please get in touch with us via email ([email protected]) if your child’s school has not yet published their forecast, predicted or trial IGCSE results before the 1st of March.

Golf and Squash Scholarships

We offer scholarships to students with outstanding potential in golf or squash. Applications are invited from both internal and external candidates. Awards typically range from 25% to 75% reduction on tuition fees.

The criteria to be considered for a Golf Scholarship is:

  1. Satisfactory report or reference and academic grades from current school
  2. Handicap of 12 or lower 
  3. State ranking, ideally 5 and below for your age group
  4. National ranking, ideally 20 and below
  5. Must have represented the school or the state in a number of tournaments (please include this in the application)
  6. Final assessment conducted by KTJ's Head of Golf Academy 

The criteria to be considered for a Squash Scholarship is: 

  1. Satisfactory report or reference and academic grades from current school:
  2. State ranking, ideally 5 and below for your age group.
  3. National ranking, ideally 20 and below
  4. Must have represented the school or the state in a number of tournaments (please include this in the application)
  5. Final assessment conducted by KTJ's Head of Squash Academy 

These scholarships are typically only offered in the Secondary School, but the School will consider awarding scholarships to students with an outstanding record in one of these sports who have applied for entry to the Primary School.

Scholars are expected to contribute more widely to the sports program at KTJ and to demonstrate leadership in school sports.

Applications for Golf and Squash Scholarships are open throughout the year.

Music Scholarship

We offer a number of Music scholarships in the Secondary School. Applications are welcomed from both internal and external candidates. External candidates are expected to join the KTJ in August. These scholarships recognise students with outstanding music ability and/or potential. Awards typically offer a range of reduction on tuition fees, capped at a maximum of 75%. 

Audition Requirements:

  • Performance: Candidates must perform two contrasting pieces to showcase their versatility and skill
  • Sight-Reading & Aural Tests: Both will be conducted during the audition to assess the candidate's musical literacy.
  • Technical Proficiency: Applicants will be tested on technical skills relevant to their most recent music exam level.
  • General Knowledge: Candidates will be questioned on their understanding of the pieces they perform.
  • Music Theory & Musicianship: These aspects will be evaluated as part of the audition process.
  • Accompaniment: Applicants must provide their own accompanist or submit the accompaniment score to the KTJ piano teacher at least two days before the audition.

Additional Criteria:

  • Community Engagement: Applicants should demonstrate a commitment to the school’s musical community by forming ensembles and mentoring peers.
  • Global Perspective: Candidates should show an appreciation for a wide range of musical genres and respect for diverse cultural perspectives.
  • Self-Reflection: Applicants must display the ability to critically evaluate their own musical progress and personal growth.
  • Awarded Scholarships: Applicants who are awarded a scholarship must receive lessons from a KTJ Music teacher on the instrument that they were awarded the scholarship.

Ongoing Expectations:

  • Music Programme Support: To maintain the scholarship, recipients must support the overall music programme by remaining enrolled in music classes until the end of Form 5. This includes selecting Music as one of their IGCSE subjects and continuing to participate as an integral member of KTJ music ensembles in Sixth Form.
  • Support for the Music Programme: Scholarship recipients must actively contribute to the school’s music programme and remain enrolled in music classes through Form 5.
  • Ensemble Participation: Recipients are required to participate in at least two music ensembles, as assigned by the head of co-curricular music.
  • Performance Requirements: Recipients must perform at KTJ-sponsored concerts and events.

Scholarship Renewal and Monitoring:

  • Annual Review:The scholarship will be reviewed each year by the Scholarship Committee, based on input from the head of curricular music, head of co-curricular music, and selected peripatetic teachers.

We accept scholarship applications between 1st January and 1st April each year. Outcomes are usually announced in May.